Thursday, February 9, 2012


Click below to listen to Chefs Jackie and Jeff talk about these recipes and tips:

Have you never tried making your own sherbet? Well, here's how. Fresh peaches make the best, darn sherbet around. But, you can substitute other fresh fruits, like apricots. It's a great treat just about anytime, and a light refreshing desert after a sumptuous meal!.


Courtesy of Chef Jackie Olden © 2012


5 large peaches , make sure they're nice and ripe
1 tablespoon plus 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 cup powdered sugar
1 can sweetened condensed milk
4 eggs, separated


Dip the peaches into boiling water for about 30 seconds. Peel, pit and dice. Mix with 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and the powdered sugar. In a bowl combine the remaining lemon juice, the sweetened condensed milk and the egg yolks and blend well. Stir in the peaches. Beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry and fold into the peach mixture. Pour into a 9x13x2 inch baking pan. Cover and freeze for about 2 hours, or until mixture is solid around the edges. Turn into a chilled bowl and beat until all the ice crystals are broken up, don't let it melt completely. Return to pan and freeze until firm, about 2 hours. Makes about 2 quarts.

Super for and holiday picnic. .

WARNING: Using uncooked foods such as eggs can result in disease, particularly in the very young and the elderly. You may wish to use a pasteurized egg product found in your dairy case instead of raw eggs.

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