Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Click below to listen to Chefs Jackie and Jeff talk about these recipes and tips:

A vinaigrette is the world's simplest salad dressing. And you can use them as bastes for meats you're cooking as well. A vinaigrette is just a method of mixing oil and vinegar into a suspension, or an emulsion. By whisking two parts oil with one part vinegar, you can really go places. Olive oil is hard to beat, but you can substitute almost any type of oil you want. Use plain or flavored vinegars. And, then you just add the flavors you want to accent. Mustard is a frequent addition, and just about any herb you can thing of will compliment the dish you're putting your vinaigrette on. Go wild with your flavors by putting some fresh fruit into it -- experiment. So easy. So delicious!


Courtesy of Chefs Jackie Olden and Jeff Calley © 2012


1/3 cup tarragon vinegar
2/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Freshly ground black pepper


Whisk together the tarragon vinegar and olive oil till the oil is suspended in the vinegar. That, friends, is called an "emulsion". Stir in the other ingredients and use to dress lettuce that's been well washed, and very well dried in a salad spinner or with paper towels.


1/4 cup good-quality red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Salt and freshly milled black pepper, to taste
3/4 cup olive oil (or a bit more, depending on the acidity of the vinegar)


Manual method: In a bowl, whisk together the vinegar and the seasonings; mix thoroughly, until the salt dissolves. Begin adding the oil, drop by drop, whisking until emulsified. Then begin adding the oil in a thin stream and whisk constantly until creamy and smooth.

Machine method: Using a food processor or blender, combine the vinegar with the seasonings and process until the salt dissolves.

With the machine running, slowly add the oil, drop by drop, processing until emulsified. Gradually begin adding the oil in a thin steady stream, and process until it is well incorporated and the vinaigrette is creamy.

Store in the refrigerator. This vinaigrette will keep indefinitely.

Makes 1 cup

Have you got a great recipe, cooking tip or food story to share with the Too Fun Chefs? Email us and we might just share them with everyone else out there listening. Email: Jackie & Jeff

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