Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Click below to listen to Chefs Jackie and Jeff talk about these recipes and tips:

The pancake family is quite diverse. There's some type of pancake in almost every culture. Some made with corn, many with wheat, and even those made with rice. Fewer are more simple and surprisingly distinct than the kind baked in the oven, with their curled up edges. Houligan Pancakes, or Dutch Babies as some call them, can be served simply with powdered sugar and a lemon wedge squeezed across it. Kids and adults love them.


Courtesy of Chefs Jackie Olden and Jeff Calley © 2012


1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
6 eggs
salt to taste

Pour melted butter into a 9x13 inch pan in the oven. Meanwhile, mix together the flour, milk, and eggs and salt to taste. Pour over melted butter.

Bake 25 minutes at 425°. Edges will curl. Serve with fresh fruit, syrup or your favorite jam.

Serves 6

Have you got a great recipe, cooking tip or food story to share with the Too Fun Chefs? Email us and we might just share them with everyone else out there listening. Email: Jackie & Jeff

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